* Your hips and thighs are growing in perfect proportion to your midsection. And, obviously, while your midsection is pregnant, your hips and thighs are assuredly not.
* You have blobby arms. Your arms were never great, but they were never blobby. Now they are blobby.
* Your husband tells you to stop eating Cheetos for the health of the unborn, but you secretly wonder if he is actually hatching a plan just to shrink you down to size.
* You will no longer allow any recent pictures of yourself on your blog because it's downright embarrassing (a disgrace to the family name).
*You used to have one chin. According to a photo snapped of you yesterday, you currently possess three.
I could go on. But you know you're too fat. I mean, I know.
3 hours ago
You are pregnant, you are supposed to gain some weight. And from what you allow us to see, you look great! Love that pregnant tummy :)
Oh, and I tagged you over on my blog ;)
Stop being a loony bin/ pregorexic....
Pregnant women are beautiful... you are most surely not fat and most assuredly gorgeous!
Woman, you are totally insane! You are completely gorgeous, and I bet you have that beautiful glow that can only be attained when you're pregnant.
Yep, totally relate to the butt and thighs expanding exponentially. At the end of my pregnancy I bought maternity pants more than double the size I was pre-pregnancy.
Now that was depressing:)
Goody box of maternity clothes heading your way...
Haha, whatever Jessica. You're silly. I like that shirt, though. You should come into CW sometime. You never come in! Or else I never see you... Although I take it you don't have any pregnancy pages you want to work on.
hey! i have more baby names! haha :) ok: leighton, cadence, candice, or blair
Hey, it has been a LONG time since I have seen any scrapbook layouts from you....... ????? :)
You are not fat!! You have a human being growing inside of you!! And I bet that you will be one of those people who goes right back to being flat and skinny the second you pop the baby out, too!! Disgusting.
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