I don't think most couples have as many problems as Dave and I do with the process of naming. In the first place, I feel much anxiety to hurry up and decide, lest we be left with our current choices (zilch) when the pooper pops out, while Dave feels quite comfortable luxuriating decisionlessly in the months until pop-age. He also insists on calling the baby one of the names he thinks we should name her, which I hate. Which is Stella.
In the second place, as alluded to, we have very different tastes in names. At first I thought the naming process would be a thrilling one, as I have been anticipatorily scribbling down name ideas for my babies paired with the last names of boyfriends (or any cute boy walking by) since I was in the second grade. Alas.
Dave likes boys' names for girls. Like Quinn and Rhett. These are his actual favorites. I like the most feminine of girly names. Like Ashleigh and Kayla and Karina and Ella and Annalise. These are my actual favorites.
But my favorite of them all is Karina. My best friend's older sister is named Karina, a vision of blonde and blue, who moved away to college before I met her family at 15, but who we stared at in her flawless photographs for years, growing from angelic cherub to stunning teenager, while delighting in family legends rich with her popularity and perfection. I'd never heard the name before. It seemed fit for a princess.
It still does.
I beg Dave often to let me name the baby Karina. He is not (not incomprehensibly) sold based on the stories I relate of a pretty blonde girl whose pictures I stared at half my life ago. But I still am.
We are working through arbitrations. Dave is considering the name. He has proposed negotiations, which have begun in earnest. Maybe I will name this child and he will name the next. Or maybe I will name the girls and he will name the boys. Or maybe I'll get first names and he'll get middle names. Our lawyers are considering the offers.
2 hours ago
I am no help to you. I always cave and agree to name the kid the name Todd likes the best. You'll love the kid no matter what you name her. Good luck!
not to give dave any ideas but i have a friend who agreed on a name with her husband and when he went to bless him, he changed the name. he said it was on accident but she was livid!
I'd be careful with negotiations. Keep in mind, I call our daughter Peanut!
Oy ve!! So sorry that this has become such a taxing decision. If he doesn't like Karina, maybe he would consider Courtney.....I'm blonde, too!!
Perhaps if you can't agree, you could do hybrids of those choices:
WE ARE JAZZED for you guys. A baby muffin head full of estrogen!
I think you have to keep searching until you come up with something you both really actually like. I know this sounds impossible. My sister has a baby name book that's pretty good. I'll ask her for the title. Here is hoping for a name miracle!
I vote for the name of "Karina". Only because she sounds so cool, gorgeous, and regal. Just kidding..:) I am flattered and both Drew and I got a good laugh out of your dreamy memories of me. I recently read about how the part of our brain which stores our memories is flawed and that reality probably wasn't much like we remember them. Not too burst your bubble though....I prefer to remember my teenage years as you do! Especially on a day like today where I have dealt with plumbing issues, a toddler with 3 new bruises on his head(who pooped in the bath for the 2nd day in a row), a daughter who reminds me daily to "scrub my head better to get rid of the flakeys",a sink full of dirty dishes and several bald spots on my head from the birth of my 5th baby. I think things have definately gone downhill in the last 15 years! Soooo...back to names...Dan always let me have more pull on our girl names and vise versa. However, he had "veto" power for any names he really disliked & vise versa. I really liked flowing girly names and he liked short boy-like names (for our girls). This worked for us since I don't know if we ever would have equally agreed on any name. GOOD LUCK & know that whatever name you choose you will end up loving once you attach your cute baby to it!!
I am going to print your description of me for Dan so he will remember how lucky he was to marry me :). Maybe I will score a foot rub from it tonight!!
well, i cant say my advice will help, but here ya go- you could give her a boy/girl name, but spell it Totally girly! like, Taylor, you could make it Teighlor.... haha that looks lame! ha anyways... my friend also knows a girl named 'Codianne' Cody+Anne= Codianne??? behold, a happy medium! haha jk -luv luv!
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