Dave has long been impressed by the vast quantities of tissues I go through as a preggo. I am constantly blowing my nose, most especially in the mornings when I wake up. I read that this is because when you're pregnant the extra estrogen in your system causes your nasal membranes to swell, which in turn causes lots of SNOT. It's not been much of an issue since I never feel sick and rather enjoy Dave's shocked reaction every few days when I let the tissues build up on the floor next to the bed. I toss them down there at night and in the morning, as no trash can is handy when I'm in bed, and leave them for disposal for when I get up each morning (usually). Occasionally, like last night, Dave gets up and walks around to my side of the bed to get something and accidentally treads moistly on a freshly-used one. Usually the reaction is loud, shrill, and shriek-ish. This offers me no end of pleasure. I'm like a third-grade boy. I love it.
Yesterday I got a pretty bad cold which, in addition to exacerbating my nausea, is causing undue throat, nose, and head suffering, and also causing me to use even more tissues than usual. Before I went to bed last night I cleaned up the pile from the night before. This morning when I got up, the new count on the floor was approaching thirty. Dave was thoroughly amazed.
He searched the house for an extra trash can and finally found an old blue one, which he placed promptly in front of my night stand. Now I have no excuse!
Don't kiss your honey when your nose is runny, 'cause you might think it's funny but it's SNOT!
6 days ago
Editor's comments:
- please change "usually" cleaning up with "seldom"
- please change "shriekish" to "manly" and "awesome"
That is all
Dave, you're snot funny :) Jess, i am sorry you are still no better... vitamin c baby!
Love the visual of the moist, freshly-used kleenex. You should sneak one into one of Dave's shoes sometime, and see what type of reaction that evokes. :o)
Editor's comments are hilarious!
AWESOME! Love the snot story!
Haha... Dave's comments are funny. As I was reading the story I was thinking, why doesn't he put a waste basket by the bed?
I can totally relate to your kleenex situation...right now I have a sinus infection and my floor is totally covered with used kleenexes. However, in my situation I'M the one who ends up stepping on moist tissues in the middle of the night. It's not as fun as it sounds, but I have no doubt I would laugh my head off if someone else was stepping on my squishy kleenexes!
I am going through the same thing!
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