I really "popped" a couple of days ago. I was sitting at the computer right after I woke up, and looked down and it looked like I had a soccer ball in my lap! It was very shocking. I raced to the mirror to check. Sure enough, when I held my shirt against me, I finally looked pregnant instead of just fat! This was very exciting.
At the same time though, I still don't feel pregnant. I feel nothing! I'll tell you what I do feel- like about a million sit-ups are required to restore my midsection to pre-gestational hotness, as well as gratitude for the quickly-fading memories of the torturous months of pukiness. But I could not feel less pregnant. My mom keeps asking me if I'm really excited about having a baby. Now, the idea does seem exciting, but I still don't believe that it's happening to me. I don't know. It's weird.
Softy has expanded to the size of a baked potato (extra sour cream and butter, please.) Little Tater will officially be referred to as 'he' or 'she' in a week and a half. And in 3 1/2 weeks I'll be half-done with the entire phenomenon! Here I am today at 16 1/2 weeks, wearing the same shirt as last time for continuity's sake. I want to try to wear it in every tummy-shot. Alas, I can not promise this will happen every time. (Or even next time.)
2 hours ago
wow... a soccer ball... i wish i were closer to play in all the fun getting ready for baby stuff...
You look great! How exciting!
I am anxiously awaiting the results of your next doctor's appt...
i didn't believe it until i was actually holding the baby for the first time. when the little guy/gal starts kicking the heck out of your insides it will seem much more real. i didn't feel my first real "kick" until about 22 weeks with my first but most people feel them sooner. can't wait to find out what you are having. you aren't going to keep it a secret, are you?
M-A, No secrets for us! I hate secrets! I will shout it from the rooftop, I mean blogtop, when we know. :)
Wow! That is so exciting, Jess....and so weird, too. I guess I can't really believe you're pregnant until I see it for myself in person! Which might be never.
I felt the same way about being "pregnant", until I started to feel the baby move. That should happen in the next month. Of course, I thought it was just my tummy rumbling on and off for a couple weeks till I realized, ah! it's the baby! This is what they mean by "flutters". Fun moments.
I am DYING to know the gender!!! DYING!!! I still think it is a girl. I wish I could fast forward 1 1/2 weeks.
Also - you look adorable!
Your prego belly is so stinking cute! Can't wait to hear what you are having. Boys are awesome, but I am sure girls are great too!
Yeah, that's definitely a pregnancy. That's funny you don't feel pregnant, seems like with nausea as bad as yours was that's all it would take! A week and a half!!! Exciting!!! I bet the time can't go fast enough. Is it okay if I tell everybody at CW when you post the gender? Or would you maybe want to come in sometime and tell people yourself? Wouldn't want to share news you preferred to share yourself.
Loving the early belly!
Emily- you are welcome to tell anybody!
What a cute baby bump! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl! You must be so excited.
Oh how CUTE! How exciting! I can't wait to hear what you are having... I had first thought you were having a girl... but now it looks like you are carrying the baby a bit lower... so can I change to boy? I don't know! haha.
I was just reading this post again and it got me to thinking about what gender the baby was having. Lita told me more nausea is supposed to mean girl. I'm sure you've probably read all of these things since you're the one pregnant but I just read these:
You are pregnant with a boy if:
* you are carrying your baby low
* the baby is very active
* you are craving salt
* a wedding ring suspended on a string over your belly rocks back and forth and not in a circle
* the baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
* you didn't have a lot of morning sickness in the first trimester
* your feet are cold
Funny, wasn't the baby's heart rate faster than 140? I can't remember. Although that seems like something that could change depending on stage of pregnancy maybe, I don't know. And feet being cold! Haha... if I ever get pregnant I guess it will be a boy because my feet are cold all the time. Silly things.
Okay, yay, I will be excited to tell Delori and Lita.
Oh, I just found a site talking about morning sickness that references the gender being a factor.
"Pregnancy hormones, psychological factors, low immune systems, genetic predisposition, vitamin B6
deficiency, changes in carbohydrate metabolism, increased sensitivity to odours, slower emptying of stomach contents and even the gender of the baby (girls make you more sick) have been cited as possible causes [of morning sickness]."
Maybe it is a girl... you sure were awfully sick!
I had a girl and I wasn't hardly sick at all..... but, her heart rate was a little above 150 and I heard the faster heart rates could more possibly mean a girl.....
who knows! :) So exciting!
AMAZING! That happened over night!
Your tummy is sooooo cute!
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