Sunday, June 27, 2010


We started out the day with a little blender-breadmaking. Zucchini bread for me (whole wheat flour, yogurt instead of oil, half sugar, half-Splenda):

and a whole wheat (kamut flour) yeast bread for Dave:

Next our Home Teachers stopped over as a surprise. (It's never good when you're still in pajamas, the doorbell rings and the hubs says, "Oh yeah! Whoopsie!")

Then we went to church where Annalise sustained her first forehead goose egg off the corner of a chair leg. It swelled out into a huge ball about an inch off her face and the dark purple bruise came on immediately. She calmed down pretty quickly but it was pretty ugly. A couple of hours and a nap later though, lots of the swelling had gone down so we walked to the park where poor Bump-Face could enjoy herself.

Annie wore her jammies so she could go right to bed when we got home.

Alas, she had different plans. She didn't fall asleep til 10:30.

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