Sunday, June 27, 2010

Berry Picking

Yesterday we went to Ikea and purchased a nice piece of cheap furniture to go under the TV that is full of storage and will hopefully prevent all of Annie-boo's toys from taking over the world. Afterwards, Dave enjoyed the World Cup and then we set out to pick berries! I love picking berries! I've only done it once that I can remember and it was great.

We went to Boones Ferry Berry Farm and even though Annalise was grumpy and only let me pick strawberries for a minute or two before deciding that only my arms would do, it was fun. That is, until a giant spider attacked my arm and I screamed so loud Annalise panicked and spat out the chunk of strawberry in her mouth and two minutes later the same spider managed to get back on the same spot on my arm and this time I screamed so loud she lost her binkie irretrievably to a strawberry bush. And then a minute later that blasted and extremely hardy spider suddenly was STILL on me and was now crawling up my left feeding receptacle and in my swiping terror, ripped my shirt with my wedding ring.

But we got pounds and pounds of the most delicious strawberries ever (Hood berries) for only a buck a pound.

We also got millions of perfect raspberries for only $1.50/pound. Do you know what two pounds of raspberries looks like? A LOT OF BERRIES.

Annalise liked them too.

First taste of berries:


  1. That sounds like so much fun. I would love to do that. You'll have to give me the details. Darling pictures too.

  2. Ack!
    I am so-most-seriously jealous!:)
    The berries we get here are always firm and tasteless. Enjoy a few for me!

  3. You are trying to make me jealous of your Oregon life again...with your berry picking!!!!!

  4. Gorgeous pics! That fruit looks amazing.
    I'm jealous of your new storage. I need about 10 new places to store things....

  5. aww...look at that happy face. i guess she liked the berries.

  6. I love picking berries too! We're going to plant some in our garden next year, finally. You're Blendtec gadget sounds cool!

  7. I cannot stop laughing at the spider comments. Wish I could because it wasn't funny to you at the time, I'm sure....but alas, I cannot. That's hilarious!
