Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Full of Joy

One of my New Year's goals is to have at least one special mommy/baby activity every week. We have been going to a weekly mom's group for about a month now, have joined a playgroup, and have one-on-one play dates with other mommies and babies as well.

At our playgroup, there were two other babies and they were about a month younger than our Buggaboo. When I held her up to them, she began shrieking in ecstasy and freaking out to the point that her enthusiasm frightened one of the babies into tears.

Today we began attending the weekly Baby Story Time at our local library. I believe Annalise thought she'd died and gone to heaven. We sang songs, got tickled with puppets, played with toys, read books, blew bubbles, played with a parachute, and had constant stimulation and interaction with the other babies. Annalise was grinning from ear to ear from the moment we arrived, giving everyone that looked at her a giant smile. She was thrilled and couldn't keep herself from constantly bouncing up and down. We were new, so everyone kept laughing at her very excitable, social, exuberant self.

As we were leaving I thanked the group leader and she remarked that Annalise is nothing if not a person Full of Joy.

She really is.



  1. She is a Calzone of Cuteness, stuffed with Joy Mozzarella and smothered with Jumpy Tomato Sauce.

    Loving you both from afar.

  2. Darling girl! And your fantastic pictures are making me very jealous of your new camera.

  3. Great pictures!! She looks so happy. What a fun time.

  4. I can never remember what blogs I comment on but I've been reading your blog for a long time and I just had to comment today.

    Your little one is such a delight! She exudes happiness. I love her beautiful blue eyes.

    And am also envious of your new camera!

  5. THe pictures are soooooooo great- congrats on the new camera.

  6. awww...those pictures are so cute! i just want to pinch her chubby cheeks. And of course she is full of joy, she has 2 parents that are full of joy!

  7. That last photo is my favorite. Love the expression.

  8. I'm playing catch-up on your blogs and reading every one of them, but keep forgetting to comment. So here's a comment...I so love to read what you write!
