Saturday, January 16, 2010

Five Months of Sweetness

My sweety sweet Bah-booly-ooly is five months old today! Which is one month from 6 months which is HALF A YEAR. Which is frankly mind-blowing. (Something else mind-blowing is that it's been five months and I'm still wearing maternity jeans but that's what resolutions are for, right?)

She is now so happy all the time that we are actually considering accepting the kindly offer of our kindly friends to babysit our smooshy smooshkin THIS YEAR. Not in ten years from now! Now!This is a big event. A date for me and Dave? We thought it unlikely in the next decade but there you go exceeding expectations already, my darling diminutive daughter. Because to be honest, we expected she might even miss out on college for fear of being set down by mommy.

She is rolling all around now, liking most people, allowing others to hold her, and exuding cheeriness wherever she goes. Her tuft of hair has thinned out considerably (sad because she didn't have much to begin with), she has been grabbing things quite effectively for a few weeks now, and positively covets our food. She adores other babies and often screams with pleasure when she sees them, her body convulsing in sheer delight. A few times I have been shopping with her strapped to the front of me in a pack and stopped to look in a mirror at a pair of shoes or a hat or something, and looked down when she started babbling and squirming with joy to find that she had seen herself in the mirror and was losing her mind with the thrill of it. She still is not a fan of tummy time, is waking up millions of times a night (although the last two nights she's had two approximately-four-hour stretches but pretend you didn't read that because we're not in the market to jinx it), and is unable to actually swallow the food she begs for once inside her mouth, but you take the good with the bad, right? And she is soooooo good.

My whole body could explode from all the love for her. Explode and cover the world in zillions of tiny love bits, because there is that. much. love.


  1. Why is she so adorable??? So happy about all the progress in the area of baby contentment!

  2. What a sweet girl! She looks so happy. I can't believe they're 5 months old already!
    I love your big head comment. Our kids have huge heads, too. It's an Asian thing- my head is huge. Their heads are always in like the 95 percentile. So congrats to the bug for such a strong neck!

  3. Maybe I am part Asian then? My head is enormous. Can't fit into regular-people hats.

  4. Fabulous pics!
    You must be loving your new toy:)

  5. Those pictures are seriously the cutest things ever! Annalise does make a cute subject!!!

  6. I love her little "prim" look in the one picture!

  7. Love these photos. She just looks so darn plump and happy.
