It is hard on a small person to get two teeth in the span of a few days. Sometimes that person will insist on being held every single moment of every single day. Sometimes she will wail if she even mistakenly believes you were setting her down when all you were doing was reaching for your shoe. It is also hard on that person if she goes to Library Storytime looking for some relief, but instead a very large and realistic-looking dog puppet is held up to her and wiggled. Then her tiny body will convulse in terror and as she gasps and lurches her mommy's heart chops itself into a zillion bits and leaps in front of the nearest passing bus.
My poor poor poor baby.
3 days ago
So Sad!!!! Hopefully she will get over her fear of doggies soon!
I am so sorry. Getting teeth are so hard for the little ones. Of course, Claire is 11 months old and still has not received ANY!!! My days are numbered though!!! Good luck!
poor baby... :(
She's getting so big. Cute pic's.
I have a funny question, so I still 'have to' swaddle my babe b/c she doesn't know how to sleep unless her arms are tied to her side. I saw a mo. ago you were still swaddling. Have you moved on and how...?
What did you do to make the transition into just sleeping with a blanket ontop? Thanks!
Frozen washcloths worked wonders for Peyton when she was teething. I just wet them and put them in the freezer (they freeze almost instantly) and then let the little girly chew her heart out.
Jennille, we haven't moved on totally from swaddling yet. Annalise still gets swaddled to be nursed to sleep, but then when she wakes up the first time (usually an hour or two after she goes down) I undo the velcro to let her arms free and snuggle next to her in bed to get her back to sleep. This way she is sleepy enough that she can fall asleep without nursing or her arms being tied down, and maybe someday it will translate to no swaddling at all for sleeping. Of course, our main goal right now is to just START sleeping through the night, or at least waking up less than 5 or 6 times...
Thanks for the info. Interesting....
Yeah, I don't know if I regret swaddling her, even from the begining. It worked until about 4.5 months. Then I could tell she was over it but didn't know how to get to sleep w/o her arms tied to her side. So...I continue to swaddle her. And when she breaks out in the middle of the night I just leave her alone, unless she's fussy and can't return to sleep...then I re-swaddle.
For the most part, she sleeps 6:30pm-6am w/me waking up about 2 x during the night to re-swaddle.
Sick of it. Want to ditch the swaddle but...we're stuck. Or tied down. Hah.
Ive heard the Woombie is a good alternative to the regular swaddle. And they have a special Houdini one for super-good escape artists. Might be worth a try. Then you can both sleep better! :)
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