This morning my teensy brilliant Bub began doing one of the most endearing things she's ever done. I heard clinking in the bedroom, so I went to check on the supposedly napping girl. She'd woken up quite cheerful (and with one arm free from her swaddle) and found an additional pacifier lying next to her in her crib. Though she already had one in her mouth, she was slamming the second one into the first, over and over, trying to insert both. I put my head down at her level and we smiled and talked for a few minutes. Then she looked at me very seriously and with her one free arm, took the second binkie and put it in my mouth. I thanked her, thinking it was coincidence. But for the next ten minutes she smiled so happily, feeding me her binkie and then taking it out and putting it in again. So sweet and precious and full of understanding about mouths and binkies! What a little person she's becoming!
3 days ago
Loving her and her tater face.
I'm here tooth... I'm here. Excited to see you this weekend.....
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