Monday, May 21, 2012

Since I'm eating no wheat or dairy due to Karina's allergies, we have to be more creative with treats- there is generally nothing from the regular store that I can snack on- so we have to make our own. Annalise is just fine with this. She ADORES baking. Here she is making some mean gluten-free dairy-free brownies. There is always much stirring.

...and at least as much tasting.

After our brownies we took a walk. This sweet little dress was mine when I was little. It's so fun to see it on her. :)


  1. I remember no dairy while nursing Wesley. But the more I read about dairy the more I'm ok with not having it, and I don’t give much to the kids either.

    Btw, I LOVE your pictures these days; you have a great eye for such dreamy images!!
