Friday, May 4, 2012

Playing catch-up!

I am behind on posting! This is from a month ago.

The day before Easter, Oak Hills (Dave's parents' neighborhood, where we used to live) hosted an Easter egg hunt. At two, Annalise was in the first and youngest heat of egg-hunters. She waited patiently with me behind the ribbon until it was time to go and then out she ran!

Not quite possessing the hoarding mentality necessary for success in such pursuits, she picked up one shiny chocolate and then headed back to show me.

We sent her back out and she did quite well.

Much better than last year when she only got one egg and even that was only because a boy scout kindly gifted her with it when her basket was empty.

Knowing it would be a bad idea, I carried her to the mascot-like Easter bunny, telling her he was very nice and would give her chocolate and wasn't she excited? She was so terrified she wouldn't even take his candy.

Grandma and Dave drove the car home while the girls and I walked back with Grandpa.

(Baby Karina was there too. :)

When we got to Grandma and Grandpa's, Annalise colored eggs for the first time.

Then we visited with some friendly Muilenburgs and their gorgeous Tulip Tree. I am in love with this tree.

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