Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Half-Birthday!

On this first day of spring, Karina turned six months old. :) She is a precious little happy smiler who loves her sister, her dad and being sung to. She rolls all around and scootches backwards on her back like a little inch worm. She likes to suck on her fingers and drools a lot but has no teeth yet. She will take a pacifier but generally she is very happy so she doesn't need it to be soothed. She continues to be calm and puts up with a lot when it comes to her sister's rough love. She lets anyone hold her and tends to be more cuddly and less squirmy with strangers than she is with her parents. (?) She is just a tiny bundle of delightfulness. Such a cozy lovey little bear. Such a little ball of squishy love. She wakes up a lot at night but  I forgive her. :)

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