Friday, March 16, 2012

The Beach

We made our yearly trip out to the beach for a week. Dave was pretty stressed out from work (understatement) but we made the best of it. The girls used their double stroller together for the first time.

I became obsessed with taking pictures of flowers.

It rained and hailed most of the time we were there so we spent a lot of time inside.

But during the breaks in the weather, we ventured out!

The storms made for amazing sunsets.

Everybody enjoyed the beach in different ways.

Annalise made friends with more than one dog while we were there.

And sometimes when you don't have a tissue, you have to make do.

We visited Cannon Beach one day,

and enjoyed our favorite candy store.

Things with Dave's work resolved themselves after we got home, but it made the trip not much for relaxation. Nonetheless, we were grateful to have a lovely beach house to go to (courtesy of Dave's parents), even if it was just so Dave could have anxiety attacks somewhere other than the comfort of his own home. :)