Tuesday, January 17, 2012


One of the very most exciting things for me about living in Portland is that it snows! One of the most disappointing is that it does so only about once a year. But it makes me so happy. I feel a little giddy about it, to be honest. One day, once, growing up in Simi Valley, we woke up and there was frost all over the ground and it looked kind of white and several mothers let their kids stay home from school to make frostballs and frostmen. That was in elementary school. I still remember it and we saved some in a baggie in the freezer because it was so special. SO. The point is frozen water excites me.

Well today it came down for hours. It was so thrilling. All kids love snow, right? No. Not Annalise. She was terrified.

But she got over it. :)

...and danced off down the road with her dad.



  1. I am jealous because here in Utah, we have hardly gotten any!!!! My kids love the snow. Hopefully we will get some soon!!! I am glad though that the snow held off until we were not driving to Oregon. Enjoy your snow day!!!

  2. I remember that "snow" day in Simi as well and I also saved some! We haven't gotten as much here as usual, so Victoria thinks it's been a weird winter. I told her I never had snow except for that frost. Glad Annalise finally enjoyed it!
