Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sweet Karina

This baby is so sweet. She doesn't cry much and when she does it's because she wants to be held, fed, or put to bed. Such a reasonable lass! She is a delight. She is so different from her sister. We go places. We do things. She doesn't cry. I'm not losing my mind. It's a whole new world. Nothing against Annalise but THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. If only I could guarantee they'd all be like Karina, I'd have ten more.

*Thanks to the Hillyards who, in addition to taking the forthcoming birthday photos, also brought sushi.*

Additionally, we tried to recreate this picture that we took the day Annalise was born:

It didn't work out so well.


  1. What a sweetie! Those second children always seem to be the opposite of the first!

  2. Your baby is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! So fun! CONGRATS! I am not sure how to contact you about this but I was wondering when you are well and able if I could some how order the keep calm and cranberry on print from you? Your post as a link to your etsy shop, but it doesn't take me there. I want to do the three subway art photos like you have, but I need the cranberry one to add to the cute collection!! my email is kyleemorgan@hotmail.com if that is easier for you to reach me! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!
