Thursday, November 25, 2010

Get 50 Free Christmas Cards from Shutterfly!

I have yet to send out Christmas cards in my married life. Our first year together I was in the depths and throes of morning-sickness torture. Last year we had a young baby and I was in the depths and throes of sleep-deprivation torture. This year I am unpregnant and unsick enough to actually get my act together! Therefore, I was SO excited to learn about the blog promotion going on right now at Shutterfly, where there are gorgeous cards like this one:

The hardest part will definitely be picking just one! The hard part will NOT be paying for my cards because Shutterfly is sending me 50 for free! You can get 50 for free too, just by posting about their promotion on your blog. Go here to take advantage of this great offer!

1 comment:

  1. ok, too bad you didn't post this a few days ago. it's taken me 5 years and three kids to figure out how to plan ahead and order cards early. those are so cute.
