Monday, August 9, 2010


On Saturday Annalise attended her little friend Anna's first birthday party. Anna was born six days before Annalise and the two pals are quite enraptured with one another. (Yesterday at church Anna saw us walk into the chapel and while waving wildly, excitedly shouted, "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" until she had to be taken out. Annalise was also extremely excited, and even though Anna was no longer there, made her way over down the aisle to sit on Anna's mother's lap for most of Sacrament.)

The party was beautiful. The theme was butterflies and the color scheme was orange and hot pink. The decorations were amazing. I got a few quick shots of some of the cute butterfly-themed food.

Color-coordinated candies:

Homemade molded chocolate butterflies:

Hand-dipped chocolate Oreos:

Butterfly cake:

Anna's tiny butterfly smash cake:

Very calmly and mellowly, Anna tucked into her treat.

While Anna was enjoying said treat and getting some pictures taken with her mommy, Annalise crawled over and decided she also must be included and insisted Audrey hold her. As usual.

The three little party-goers (who all not only refused to smile, but also to look at the camera):

Mommies and babies

Next we went to an ENORMOUS (like 1000-people) barbecue garden party at a gorgeous farm out in Hillsboro and got to catch up with lots of friends from our old ward, as well as see Dave's sister and her triplets who are in town for two weeks.

At the end of the day we had one tired kid who was ALL PARTIED OUT!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaand the chocolates were indeed scrumptious!!! =)
