Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Washington County Fair

Dave and I are big fair fans. And we happily introduced this lovely venue to our wee offspring today, who seemed to quite enjoy it herself.

There was lots of livestock to admire. Like this nice sheep:

And also his identical brother, who Dave quipped must be the racist in the family.

I took a picture of this sweet guy,

and then I asked him if he'd smile for the camera. He obliged.

There were sweet little kissing piggies, who fell asleep in a romantic embrace.

And then there were piggies that... um... fell asleep in a less romantic embrace.

There was a fun area for kids, like a giant sandbox, that was filled with enormous dry kernels of corn and play toys. Annalise preferred, rather than sitting, to lay on her belly and "swim" through the corn. In this picture you can see the kernels flying in the air behind her freestyling limbs.

This was her favorite part of the day.

We always enjoy the photography exhibits, and we challenged ourselves to enter our own photography into the competition next year.  

Like every year, the sewing also didn't disappoint. In this category, the winning pieces were so wretched they wouldn't even be found at Goodwill.

This green dress looks like it was plucked from the body of a polygamous wife. The ugliest wife in the bunch.

In the flowers and garden area, there were many pretty, and yummy, beauties to behold.

And Dan Quayle must have been helping out with signage:

There was some food that seemed questionable...

But most of it was good ol' traditional fried delightfulness. The smell of the luscious frying oil in the air was nearly enough to do me (and my current gluten-free/dairy-free diet) in. The one thing that called to me the most was this:

But alas. Lots of gluten in "dough". So instead we enjoyed this heaping plate of heart-attacking potatoes.

Some of the drink stands were creative and cute.

In the end, a great time was had by all. Can't wait for the state fair in a few weeks!


  1. I love fairs too! We don't get to them as much here as we did in the smaller states we lived in (MD and DE), since I don't even know where the state fair is around here. Though your pictures inspired me to find out where it is here and when. BTW, what kind of camera do you have again? We need a new camera at some point, our pic have been looking a little fuzzy lately...

  2. I take that back, we have been to some fairs in our township since we've been here, in fact I think this was the only year we missed it, but the ones in our township aren't the traditional ones.

  3. I have the Nikon D90, which I highly recommend. At the very least you should definitely get one of the DSLRs and I am happy to share all my research that led to our decision. My camera ROCKS!! :)
