Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dave turned 35 yesterday! Since he is now eligible for presidential candidacy, he is currently accepting bribes to be in his cabinet. Anything mixing the flavors of chocolate and peanut butter will get you a senate confirmation, at least. In his words, "My main platform will be: Flying Cars by 2015. Back To The Future II Hath Decreed It."

Sadly he was on a business trip since the day before, but he got home late that night so he was still able to celebrate with us. We had sushi for dinner, he got a homemade birthday card,

and he blew out candles from atop a red velvet/cream cheese extravaganza. With all the singing, fire, and blowing, Annalise looked on with interest.

Happy Birthday Daddy!


  1. Happy Birthday Dave! Love the pictures and the cake looks amazing! Jessica, did you make it?

  2. Happy birthday!
    So glad you made it home for a wee celebration:)

  3. Alas, the otigins of this fine concoction lie with Costco's illustrious bakery, not my own. :) You can have some when you come over tomorrow Jamie!
