Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day

Sunday was Dave's first Father's Day. His baby loves him very much. She is one very blessed little girl to have such a devoted and loving man for a daddy. Dave's parents came over for dinner Sunday night and Dave requested steak as the main dish and a trifle for dessert. We showed the men how important they were by making them a six-course meal! Of course, since neither Dave's mom nor I know how to work a barbecue, both Dave and his dad did have to step in to help with that, but mostly they got to just sit back and be appreciated.

I used my fancy trifle dish for the first time! (Let's try not to remember how many years I've had it, nor why I spent $50 on it at one of those Southern Living parties to begin with...) Luckily it turned out pretty!

Daddy and his Sweet Pea:


  1. The trifle looks yummy!! Wish I could have come over for dinner!! Congrats Dave on your first official Father's Day!! You're great!

  2. That dish and dessert look Ah-mazing:) Yummy...I have never made one of those. I need to give it a try.

  3. Diana I wish you could have come for dinner too! Glad you'll be here soon!! Roy, you should totally make one of these- so easy to do and yummy too.
