Thursday, March 18, 2010

Annalise and Cuteous MAXimus... and a Photo Shoot Giveaway!

Annalise gets her first kiss:

ALSO! There is this fabulous contest I am entering myself into, to win a photo shoot from this fabulous photographer (and crafter and sewer and decorator and party-planner) named Sarah of Smiling Eyes Photography and I. REALLY. NEED. TO. WIN. She and her family used to be in Dave's parents' ward while we lived there and her six pretty daughters always reminded me of matryoshka nesting dolls, the littlest one so gorgeously chubby and scrumptious I constantly wanted to hold her and squeeze her except they didn't know me so that would be weird. ("Hello! Let me introduce myself! Now may I squeeze your child?") Aaaanyway... though I have taken approximately six hundred and fifty-nine thousand pics of Dave and Annalise, I have no family pictures and about three of me and the baby. Boo. One might wonder, years from now, if Annalise had a mother at all, or just a very popular father with a paparazzi following. I've been secretly blurking around on Sarah's blog for ages, drooling over her photos, coveting her knowledge of the sewing machine, and reveling in her home decor (damask wallpaper, folks!) the art on her walls, vintage bits of furniture whimsy and an eye for everything 'my taste'. In other notes, I would actually like her to adopt me (umm... we're probably the same age, but still...) because she homeschools her girls and teaches them things like photography and crocheting and sewing and how to make bonnets and throw pioneer parties and when her kids put on plays they know how to use photoshop well enough that they print out pretend theater tickets better than I could ever do and now I'm getting worked up thinking about all the lack-age in my own education but I digress...
So if you live in the Portland or Seattle area, go to her website and you can enter her contest too. But I secretly hope you don't win. Because I want to win!


  1. So cute. I love the scrapbook pages you have done.

  2. You are SO funny =). I miss you!!!!

  3. K, so I don't know you in the least--I just popped over to see the competition for Sarah's giveaway. I still want ME to win and not you. But I also want to say that you are hilarious and I honestly did LOL. Softly, though, because my family is all asleep.
