Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Nice Sunday

This morning Annalise really started scooting! I kept putting her at one end of the room and she would grunt and scoot her way across it time and again in pursuit of her binkie. It was very exciting and certainly advanced (um... not sure that is scientific fact...)

Today Anna-baby fell asleep (and stayed that way!) at church and tonight we see our lovely friends the Deweys for some games and fun. Dave is making dinner, the baby is content in her Jumperoo, and I am blogging. A lovely Sunday all around.

My mom bought this outfit for the sweetie-pie, and I made the headband to match it. Here she is goofing around with Daddy.


  1. Those pics with Dave are so sweet!

  2. Exciting to make your blog, but even more exciting -- those pictures with Annalise and Dave.
    Excellent capturing of the daddy-daughter bond, still in its infant stages. Love the photos.

  3. oh my goodness...she has the chubbiest little legs! i wish i could squish and squeeze them...haha
