Tuesday, January 12, 2010


For my birthday, Dave provided one of the biggest surprises of my life. He got me the Nikon D-90. My stomach lurched like I was on a roller-coaster when I found out. THRILLING is the word that comes to mind. THRILLING. And he managed to do it without actually spending any of our money, in a complicated fashion which I won't go into here, but which clearly demonstrates not only his vast proclivity for wife-satisfaction, but also budget-consciousness.

Don't judge my pictures because I still have no idea what I am doing with the camera, but among the first ones I took were the introduction of Annalise to meat.

Here we are, setting up. Bumbo, baby spoon, meat- CHECK. Sweet cute expectant baldy princess- CHECK.

In a happy mood. Obviously unaware of what is about to ensue:

Upon insertion of meat into Sweet-Thing's mouth:

So I would like to call her a meat-eater. Perhaps more accurately though, she is a meat-dribbler. A meat-drooler. A meaty meat-face. Though no actual meat was ingested, a good time was had by all. I mean, two bites in she sneezed and covered the world with meaty meat-bits and who could deny the thrill in that? I was so grossed out that I started laughing and couldn't stop. Meaty-Sweetie saw me laughing and joined right in. The late afternoon yellow-y light was shining in from amidst the rain clouds and we were warm and happy and it was such a precious moment in the kitchen with my baby.
Once we were done, she started stuffing her mouth with what she really wanted for lunch. Mmm. Toe-ghetti.


  1. oh my gosh she is such a doll. completely adorable to watch her join the carnivore club:)

  2. lol- her face is awesome! Congrats on the new camera. Not congrats like you gave birth to it or anything, but with the pics you'll be able to take with it, you'll wish you had. j/k

  3. she is so expressive! so cute...

  4. Dave is amazing...but I am afraid that his incredible gift may be overshadowed in this post by Annalinse in all her glory...she's too much!

  5. Okay, I don't know what it is -- maybe the new camera? -- but I am starting to see some of Jessica in that sweet little baby. She is not a total Dave look-a-like.

  6. Nicole, maybe it's the crazy meat-faces? I am nothing if not dramatically over-expressive. :)
