Friday, December 4, 2009

3 1/2 months

Now that she is the respectable age of 3 1/2 months, we thought we'd let Annalise attempt a ride in her friend Desmond's Johnny Jump Up contraption and it was a hit (for at least five minutes.) So we bought her her own. Which she whirled and swirled happily in before taking a nose dive out the top of with her heavy head, resulting in her hanging almost upside down and nearly killing herself, all for just $39.99. So Johnny's stint in our family was short-lived. Then we remembered the Jumperoo in our garage that sweet cousin Emery bequeathed to us, and decided to go with just that, as it is basically the same thing minus Risk of Death by Hanging during playtime.

Our sweet squishy girl spends her time doing lots of talking, lots of drooling, lots of singing (she's a particular fan of Taylor Swift), considerably less crying, and extreme amounts of appendage-flinging. Three months was a big milestone for her. She began having good days, as opposed to good hours. She has been less uncomfortable/gassy/screamy/miserable. She constantly tries to stuff her entire fist in her mouth, loves to suck her fingers, pretty reliably lets me take a shower while she sits in her bouncy seat, enjoys shopping as long as she's in her Baby Bjorn, and is beginning to have consistent nap times (9am, 11 am, and late-afternoon-ish). When she sees her dad, her giant smile always erupts, often followed by ecstatic squirming and squealing. She smiles and "talks" to strangers, unless she doesn't like them (not sure how she makes this distinction) at which point she stares at them with distaste and suspicion while squishing her body into me as far as it will go, just in case I am considering giving her away to said Undesirable Stranger, which she wants to make VERY CLEAR is NOT COOL.

I love her so much my insides could burst.


  1. She is SO cute:).
    And I am thrilled she likes the jumperoo. Which means you may actually be able to sit down to eat IN ADDITION to showering. Bonus:).

  2. She is darling! I love her cute little outfit.

  3. The jumperoo is a hit at our house too. You have the cutest girl!

  4. that pic is painfully cute. have you tried putting her in your ergo yet? so much easier on your back. although she might not like the transition...

  5. You've got some pretty awesome outfits and photos of your little cutie...

    You should ask Dave to try the whole kissy bomb thing with you sometime. Or maybe he already has? He's hilarious!

  6. M-A, we haven't tried the Ergo yet. Any day now though, I'm sure!

  7. Nice try with the sweetness, Jessica. I'm still terrified :o)

  8. Um, okay....LOVE the belt. She's so cool!
