Friday, November 20, 2009

Some milestones

Annalise now smiles hugely at anyone who smiles at her. And often anyone that just looks at her. Unless she's tired. Then she stares right at you as you're grinning wildly and crazily and skeptically raises an eyebrow.

She laughed for the first time! On Friday the 13th, which thus immediately became a very lucky day. My dad was holding her and she was looking at me and he kept lunging her at me and then pulling her back. First she was just smiling really big with every lunge. Then she became so delighted she began sucking in air through her grin each time her face approached mine. Then the laughs erupted! It sounded like the love child of a screech and hiccup. She did it about five times. It was so precious I almost died.

She talks. A lot. She's finally found her voice (the one not associated with screaming that is, as she obviously found and embraced her scream-voice at Genius-not-even-out-of-the-birth-canal-Speed.) And she sings along with me; with a tuneless "ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhh" she blends her voice with mine during songs. Precious.

She no longer constantly nurses. This started with the advent of Zantac taking effect. Because I am used to her wanting it so frequently though, I often offer it to her before she is ready. I lay her down and show her the feeding receptacle and if that wasn't in her plans she sca-reams. Very mad that I could assume she wants that when so clearly she does not. I stand her back up and she is immediately silent. Point taken.

Sometimes she lets me lay her down for naps. Not often. And not reliably. But sometimes. One of those times is now. I would be celebrating loudly if I didn't have to be so quiet.

She continues to go down delightfully with nary a whimper by 7pm. She awakens for good 12 hours later. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU.

Her nights are slowly increasing in wake-up numbers. Obviously, this is not a positive trend. WHYWHYWHY???

I dumped out Pixie's toy basket and plopped the Bub inside. What a sweetie:


  1. She is so cute. I love the pictures.

  2. UGH! I feel your pain- Brody has been waking up three times a night for the past three weeks. NOT cool. Don' you love when they start smiling and laughing. The BEST! She's so adorable.

  3. She looks just like Dave in the third pic, holy cow. Glad she is getting easier. I am grateful for any night of uninterrupted sleep. It's my 3 year old who wants to snuggle in the middle of the night!

  4. Robyn, that's so funny that you say that because I meant to mention that I was finally so happy that the baby looked like me in the third picture. I feel like she looks exactly like I did as a baby. Now I hear AGAIN that she is still DaveTwin. Boo.

  5. You need to make a buisness out of your picture-taking! If you lived near me I would hire you to take my kids' pictures instead of taking them to JCPennys!

  6. How's the Pixie and Gma holding up? So happy we have some laughs from mini-Dave. Weird about talking a lot....

  7. Love that little hand waving to me.

  8. I think she really looks like you and Dave in the 3rd picture.
