Sunday, November 1, 2009

A pea and a blessing

For Halloween, Annalise dressed up as a Sweet Pea. In so doing, she was referred to as a lizard, a caterpillar, a dinosaur, and a "him". I had no idea her costume was so ambiguous.

Sweet Pea is one of our favorite nicknames for her, as well as the title of Dave's special daddy/daughter song he sings to her. She was a scrumptious Sweet Pea.

Today was Annalise's Baby Blessing at church. She was blessed by her father and surrounded by family and friends to help her celebrate. Of course, the day wouldn't have been complete without her melting down exactly 10 minutes before we needed to leave. Screaming and kicking and shrieking ensued and she couldn't be comforted and I was sure we were going to have some darn loud background noise during the blessing. She screamed right through getting her dress on, but then miraculously stopped and was a perfect angel baby in church. Until the limelight was off her and she had to be removed from the chapel twice for more shrieking. But, you know. She tried.

The worthy men that participated in the blessing: Dave, Todd, Grandpa Parker, Gilbert, and Steve.

Grandma and Grandpa Fuhriman

After everyone left:
She was happiest once her clothes were off. I myself am quite similar. Every week I am barely in the door from church before stripping out of binding fashions in favor of much cozier duds.

We are so lucky and blessed to have this little girl. I love her so much I can't think of anything to do besides eat her. That is a lot of love.


  1. She looks so precious in her blessing dress! Her costume is adorable too! BTW, Victoria screamed her head off throughout her entire blessing! I wanted it to be perfect for her nonmember grandparents, who were there, but she had other plans!

  2. Glad to her she did well at the blessing:).

    And I concur... a scrumptious Sweet Pea for sure!

  3. What a sweet girl! I love the Halloween costume!

  4. Cute pictures, Jessica! All of them!

  5. Todd and I just sat and looked at this together. Thanks for letting us be a part of your special day. The pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  6. Love that little pea outfit. Thanks for letting us be a part of your Sweet Pea's big day.
    P.S. If she gets upset about uncomfortable church clothes, just wait until she wears heels for the first time... get ready for some whining. :)

  7. what a sweet day :) she definitely has her mothers beautiful eyes.

  8. Jess- she is so cute! Congrats!
