Monday, October 26, 2009

Things I love about this baby

*The little bald patch on the back of her head, created by flinging her sweet noggin side to side like a crazy person every time she is laid down.

*The pinky-colored birth mark on the back of her neck, which looked so big when she was born at eight and a half pounds and looks so small now that she is the advanced and commendable size of nearly twelve pounds.

*If she accidently latches off while eating, she panics, opens her mouth searchingly, and in a crazed frenzy waves her head blindly back and forth not unlike a Stevie Wonder impersonator on crack.

*When she cries that it's mealtime, and sees the large bare feeding receptacle zooming in for a landing in her face, she opens her eyes and mouth wide in anticipation and excitedly continues crying but now with her mouth wide open until it's, well, filled up. Two very different cries. The normal crying sounds like, "Mmm-aaaaaaaah! Mmm-aaaaaaaah! When she's holding her mouth wide open expectantly it's more of a "Uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh!"

*When she sees Dave's face zooming in for a landing on her cheek for a kiss or a zerbert, she often mistakes it for a feeding receptacle and tries to nurse his nose, resulting in me howling with laughter and necessitating him being called Boob-Face.

*The fact that Zantac has made her so comfortable that she never cries as long as we're together. Before she had to be constantly entertained (to take her mind off the pain we now realize) but now we could lay on the bed all day together and that would be fine, as long as I dare not attempt to abandon her in favor of, say, the bathroom or the kitchen pantry for a moment, in which case she screams as if to say MOM WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TOGETHER DUE TO MY PREVIOUS PAIN AND SCREAMING AND THAT IS CERTAINLY HOW I LIKE IT SO IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT CHANGING THAT UP NOW DON'T THINK I HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO SCREAM.


  1. I love Dave's new name!! That is so funny!!! I am glad she is so happy now.

  2. Oh Jessica, I'm sooo glad things are better 4 u now! :-)

  3. I am glad Zantac is working, what a relief for you!!

  4. Boob-Face is a fantastic word. I will work on incorporating it into my vocabulary immediately.

  5. Thrilling. Absolutely THRILLING. I can't believe it, but I can believe it. You must feel like life has just changed.

    Boob-face, so sorry that the oinking pig that attacked me ruined our fabulous plans. I hate him. We look forward to revisiting the same vacation plans on a different date.

  6. oh, poor little babe, that's terrible that she was in pain before. glad that she is feeling better!

  7. LOL Stevie Wonder on crack...BOOB face...LOL...oh my stomach, I can't stop laughing!!!!
