Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The joys of throw up

I am pleased to acknowledge that prior to bearing a child, I had never been thrown up on in my life. Sure, there was that one time I woke up in the night when I was 5 and ran in to tell my mother my stomach hurt and as I leaned over her sleeping face to alert her of my plight I exploded with puke, but I never said I never puked on anybody else.

Annalise, on the other hand, has been puked on an extremely large amount of times in her short life. By her own self. I am not talking spit-up. No. The real deal. Also, she manages to get me just about every time (possibly due to the fact that she can never be even momentarily apart from my oh-so-loving arms without melting into a hysteria not worth disengaging her from said oh-so-loving-arms to begin with.)

The Bub is not much of spitter-upper, but every few days she has a huge projectile vomit (quite different than a peaceful little teaspoon-full of spit-up). First (usually) her stomach starts to heave. Then I panickingly flail about, looking for a safe direction in which to aim her, ultimately fail, and get covered in sour milk. It's totally fun.

Today there was no warning heave, and as I stood her on her feet in front of me while I sat on the bed, she very calmly opened her mouth, tilted her chin down, and drenched me. All down my chest, and focusing ultimately on my crotch. As I froze in momentary shock and gooey horror, she opened her mouth once more. And did it again.


  1. Great pictures honey -- I want to nibble on her cheeks like Pixie nibbles on her Dingo treats.

  2. Yum...Quite a story Jessica! Thx for sharing :o)

  3. Wow. That girl is getting cuter with every photo session.

    P.S. She does not look like Dave.

  4. That innocent thing puking all over you like that?

  5. too cute and smiley! Can't believe that such an innocent little girl would projectile vomit on her mom.

  6. She's lucky she's so cute. I love that smell- recycled milk. Mmm.

  7. Jess, you are such a visual blogger. I love it!

  8. haha i LOVE her many expressions! :)
