Sunday, September 6, 2009

When Daddy's Away

Dave was out of town in Minneapolis for two days on a business trip this week. I almost lost my mind. I never knew how much I looked forward to lunchtime when he comes home (so I can hand him the baby) or 5:30-7:00 when he is off (so I can hand him the baby).

Dave's parents came and kindly spent a few hours both days holding the Bub so I could nap, do laundry, and go to the grocery store without her losing her mind with the screaming. It's nice to have grandparents nearby. I grew up without mine in the same state and this is much better. Additionally, they brought me a piece of pie, roses from their garden, some fresh peaches, and their willing baby-holding arms. Could there be anyone or anything more generous and lovely to see show up at your door as you shuffle about in sleep-deprived, unbrushed, pajama-clad, and mascara-streaked delirium? Certainly not, I attest.

Dave is home now. Praise be to the heavens.


  1. I agree it is so nice to have Grandparents near by!

  2. I would LOVE to have them closer!! I am sorry it has been rough. I remember it being so hard with Andrea!! I know it doesn't seem possible, but it will get better. Hang in there!!

  3. I LOVE having grandparents close too! They are fantastic at anticipating needs! But husbands are really the best and there is no substitute.

  4. I can totally imagine you the way you described yourself - sounds like the same as our old roomie days! hehe...I'm glad you have some help, the sleep deprivation must be killer!
