Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Too much cuteness

Dave reported that this get-up makes her look like an 80-year-old resident of Boca Raton. I was going more for Bahama Mama. You decide:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry my last comment got all messed up...

    I do not think she looks like an 80 year old boca resident... she looks super cute. i love the hat and i love the photo w/ her and pixie!

  3. I think she looks so cute! I love the outfit!

  4. Hmmmmm.....I think she looks like a mixture of the two.

    But, what a cutie!

  5. Darling girl. On the pacifier/bottle issue, have you tried using latex niples instead of silicon? They're softer. Nancy would not take silicon anything until she was older, but she would take latex. There is a Playtex laytex bottle nipple that is cylindrical with a flat top -- a lot like a natural nipple. For awhile, that's the only one Nancy would accept. Good luck my dear!

  6. Adorable! She looks like a little doll!

  7. I love the last pic with her hat on, Jason loves the one with Pixie. What a cutie!
