Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Miracles do happen


Not well, mind you. And not all the time. And not if she's already upset. And she's not really able to hold it in her mouth longer than a minute before she accidently spits it out and cries, but still. She's like a freakin' genius. Seriously. I realize newborns all over the world take them instantly and my little bub is past 6 weeks, but I can not help but think that my little princess who had to teach herself to latch on and was successful after so much hard work is pretty much the most brilliant baby ever born. The doctor told me (when she was four weeks) that if she wasn't taking it after two weeks, it most likely wouldn't happen, as babies who have not learned by then generally never do.

I didn't give up immediately. But I did give up. I stopped offering it to her. Then we went to Julie Hillyard's house. (Cue choirs of angels.) Julie wanted to see Anna-baby gag on a binkie out of curiosity. I went to show her but realized I didn't even have any in my diaper bag anymore. That made Julie remember her own binkies she used to use for her kids and asked me if I had ever tried this special tiny infant kind. I said no, and Julie wanted to find hers and try it and I had no hope but I said okay to be agreeable and Julie found it and stuffed it in her little mouth and lo and behold IT WORKED!!! She latched! She sucked!! We took a picture for posterity in case she forgot how when she woke up in the morning. But she did not forget how. It's not quite as comforting to her as I might hope, but it definitely gives me an extra minute or two here and there before screaming ensues once she's set down. And that, my friends, is quite a miracle. Praise be to Julie and genius infants the world 'round.

On the way home from the Hillyards, I mused aloud about how much I would pay (if I had never heard of a pacifier) to have a device guaranteed to soothe, comfort, stop the baby from crying, and put her to sleep. Easily $1000, without a thought. Dave looked worried.

"Easily $1200," I told him. I wouldn't even consider not paying $1200." Dave glanced at me with concern. As though I might find a $1200 binkie and try to bring it home. Since it was unnecessary and the conversation was already making his blood pressure go up, I did not mention that in truth, I think I would realistically probably pay $5000. After that point, I could just hire a wet nurse.


  1. Yeah! I don't know how you feel about these, but we use paci leashes to they aren't falling on the ground when they get spit out. You can make really cute ones that match her outfits. Just an idea.

  2. I feel GREAT about those and will have to be procuring some STAT.

  3. Hip hip hooray!!! I am so happy for you and your newfound sense of peace and quiet.

  4. Yeah for little one, and mommy. Might I just add that she is getting cuter and cuter! I love her smile!

  5. I PRAY that this trend of taking the bink continues...and even better, that she falls in love with it and it's the perfect soothing tool for you!

  6. Owen hated the pacifier. But I continued to shove that thing down his throat for 5 months. And now....it's gonna be rough EVER getting it away from him. He's in love.
    So, continue to persevere!

  7. Yikes! Did you have to use the picture of a binky with the words "mute button" on it!

    BTW - you don't have to pay thousands for something to soothe your baby and put her to sleep...you are perfectly equipped with two such devices!
