Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A minor-- nay-- a MAJOR miracle has just occurred. Annalise has three settings: Nursing, screaming, and sleeping. The Sleep Setting is often overlooked in favor of the Scream Setting, and thus we spend much of our day trying to trickily manage more sleeping opportunities. For instance, I regularly try to put Annalise in her swing to see if she will accept it as a permissible means of comfort. Thus far, she has made VERY clear that I am delusional to even consider this. Dave even mentioned yesterday that he was annoyed we had the swing in the house as it takes up so much room, was a hassle to move here from the other house, and only serves as an apparent torture device for our new daughter during each minuscule amount of seconds she inhabits it.

But my friends, a new day has come. A new dawn has arisen. I wax poetic in my joy in announcing that I just set her inside it and instead of screaming like usual, she FELL ASLEEP.

I called Dave to report the wondrous news.

Very sincerely he replied, "Congratulations."

Miracles do happen.


  1. Everything is always changing through the first few months (and years) of the baby's life...she'll keep surprising you, I'm sure!

  2. Congrats!! My kids slept in the swing for the first 4 months of their lives. The first couple of weeks though, they screamed in it. I guess they need a little time to get used to it. Thank goodness for swings!!!!!

  3. This is, perhaps, the greatest news I have heard all day. What a delightful miracle. I can practically see you doing the dance of joy as you witnessed this.

  4. I will also very sincerely say, congratulations. Now go nap while she's sleeping!

  5. Sadly, the swing-nap only lasted 5 minutes. But still.
