Sunday, September 20, 2009

First day of church

The doctor cleared us to take the baby in public last week, so today was her first day of church!

This morning, I pulled off her old diaper when she woke up, and put a new one underneath as I was doing so, as she likes to "go" when she feels the fresh air. Sure enough, she pooped. (Hard enough, for the record, that my hand got splattered. Julie, I now succumb to blogging about poop as well. I feel your pain.) Luckily, the diaper underneath caught it and so I removed it, putting another diaper underneath as I was doing so. Just as I finished wiping her, she pooped some more. Diaper number three caught it, and was removed with a new diaper placed underneath. As she was cleansed once more and I was about to fasten her diaper tabs, you guessed it, she soiled diaper number 4. Dave was laughing at me, and the baby was in a great mood too, smiling away. I waited until I was sure there was no more forthcoming defecation. Holding diaper number 5 I cooed to the baby, shaking my head in disbelief that in the space of five minutes, we were even needing a Diaper Number 5. Well, Diaper Number 5 in my hand was not of much help when she immediately peed freely all over herself and into many layers of our bed.

We would have needed a Diaper Number 6 (had Diaper Number 5 been in its proper place) but instead settled for needing a new giant load of laundry done.

I realize this was lots of information about pee and poop. I can not promise posts of this content will not surface again.


  1. I love pooping stories. After all the diaper drama in the morning, how did she do during church?

  2. you forgot to post a picture of her in her cute church outfit! our babies always had poop explosions right as we were heading out the door for church. it's better to change the diaper 5 times than the outfit 5 times, eh? oxyclean spray works wonders on yellow poo stains, btw...

  3. That's why I always gave the kids a few minutes after they woke up before getting right into the diaper changing session....let 'em work it up, if you know what I mean!

    But yeah. Benny still does that to me, the little stinker!
    I'll wait a while, then change him and within 10 minutes he's a stinkopotomous.
    They LOVE to poop in super fresh clean diapers. Brats.

  4. Ha!! I think I'm gonna like Annalise.

  5. I know! you just can't help yourself! Babies = poop and other bodily functions we could normally refrain from discussing, but given the all-consuming nature of such activities at this stage of life, you can't help yourself. And they make you laugh...really hard. So I vote more poo stories in the near future. You have joined the ranks.

    BTW, call me back!!! We miss you!

  6. Sounds like good times, Jessica. Enjoy! :-)
