Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1 month portraits

Tomorrow Annalise will be one month old. I decided to take her in for some pictures. This was no small task. I nursed her like crazy and then zoomed out the door, hoping to arrive with at least a few minutes left of Annie-Poo still in a decent post-nursing mood. Is it cheesy to go to a portrait studio these days? Probably. Oh well. Anna-baby did great!

The photographer suggested some naked shots. I agreed, but took off her diaper with apprehension.

"Please don't pee," I mumbled to her. "She likes to pee when her diaper is off," I warned the photographer.

"Everything's washable," she assured me.

"Good thing," I said, as Annalise peed freely all over her backdrop. Then she began to cry. I picked her up to soothe her. Then she pooped. All over my arm. Then she stopped crying and amazingly, did very well at her photo shoot; much better than I expected. I had accepted the fact that her one-month shots might just be of her sobbing or screaming. But she was mostly very calm! We had a quick nursing break in the middle after she loudly alerted us to a mystery-misery she was suffering, but she came back like a champ.

Strangely, Dave and I both agree that she is not really that well-represented in the photos though. They don't really look like her to us. I know that sounds weird, but in real life, she is cuter and less chubby.

Here they are! Our little bub, one month old:


  1. she is adorable! what great shots, so glad she cooperated for you...that's a miracle

  2. p.s. i didn't mean that annalise being happy is a miracle, just that i know how hard it is to get good photos of a new little baby...we haven't had much success. third times a charm, maybe?

  3. She is so cute. I love all the pictures!! I really need to come and visit you guys.

  4. Great pics!
    Can't wait to meet her in person this December:)

  5. so cute I want to die. Honestly. amazing.

  6. I love the pics!! Annalise is so precious!!

  7. oh. my. gosh. Are you kidding me?! That one reclining pose with her head resting on her little fist -- so stinkin' cute. I am also blown away by her advanced display of strength -- holding that head up like a champ at 1 month!

  8. She looks pretty adorable! I wish I could see her in person!

  9. She really is darling. And I'm quite impressed that you got so many great shots at just 1 month old!

  10. I'm sorry...is she a MODEL???? Leaning on her fist? So posed? So calm? So VOGUE?!?!?

  11. I still totally think she looks like a combo of Dave and your mom!

  12. Mary Ann, it IS a miracle that she cooperated.

    Catherine- I'm so happy you're still coming in December! I was worried when I saw the babies would be quarantined this winter. So glad we'll still get to see you!

  13. Oh jess what a ham!! This is just a shadow of what's to come!! I hope you laugh at all of her little moments. She will grow much too fast. Like is too short for white walls and to do anything but be totally in love with her every moment of her life. May you and your sweet family be bless with joy, health and love. Carol
