Monday, August 24, 2009

Lots of firsts

1. Annalise had a blow-out! We thought she was just lying peacefully on her boppy and so we snapped this pic.

Then we pulled back her blanket. This is what we found.

2. SOOOO... Annalise had her first bath! We were racing around like nuts, shouting to each other to get towels and washcloths and baby soap, fill the tub but not too much, is the water too hot? help! the baby got it on her hands, help! the baby got it on her feet, help! the baby is drowning in poo. Bumbling and fumbling and trying to comfort a screaming and excrement-soaked lass. Quite a First-Bath Memory.

3. Annalise lost her belly button today! Which was good because it got saturated with poo during her eventful blowout and there wasn't much we could do about it. She's had a button of dried poo for days.

4. Annalise spit up for the first time today! She hated her swing the first time we put her in it, but today I thought we'd try again. I set her inside. She looked around grumpily. She screwed up her mouth angrily and glared about with suspicious shifty eyes. That was okay though because she does this a lot. But I guess the motion was a bit much. Because then she opened her mouth and deposited a half hour's worth of work on both our parts down the front of her pretty striped dress.

5. Dave went back to work. BOO.

"Why don't you work from home forever?" I suggested.

"Can't," he said. BOO.


  1. Ewww...Pooo...Good luck with that! The 1st shot is adorable thou. How are you feeling? Any sleep yet?

  2. She is so cute. I wish we had stayed just one more day in Oregon so we could see the live edition!! It sounds like an interesting bath!! Good luck with Dave back to work. I always broke down in tears the first day Brett went back even on the third. Keep trying the swing. My kids never left home without it!!!

  3. Love it. Classic poo picture - you should frame it.

  4. almost shocking that so much could come out of something so little... :D

  5. Hahhaa... oh, I thinking only you would take a picture like that and post it. But I like that, showing us not just the cute ones but the gross ones, too. I'm still waiting for the delivery details... seems like half the time I want to have kids and half the time I don't. Oh well, I'd be waiting at least a few years anyway.

  6. Holy nastiness! Almost as shocking as Miss Singapore's hair last night. I am dumb-founded by her third place finish.

  7. Gotta love those blow-out- they make life more exciting!

  8. Correction: Singapore = Kosovo

  9. awesome picture!!!!

    i love blowouts.

  10. That is a hilarious picture! Made me laugh out loud!

  11. That is impressive. My boys never had a blow out where it circled around to the front of them. Way to go Annalise.

  12. congrats on finally having your sweet girl! She is so adorable. That's a pretty impressive blow out. Hope you guys are doing well.
