Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The good news is Annalise doesn't look like her ultrasound pictures. As you can see, I was not making up the uncanny resemblance between her and Homer Simpson.


It feels like a hundred years since I was in labor in some ways. I want to share the experience but I think it will take a while. I want to do it justice in recording it for my memory but it was so traumatic that I need to take some time to recover physically and emotionally before I can process it fully. For now I try not to remember and focus instead on our beautiful daughter. She is a blessing beyond measure.


  1. Okay, that ultrasound picture IS pretty funny. I blame the tech. She is abolutely gorgeous!

    P.S. Can't wait for labor details...

  2. like Courtney i can't wait either. Prob cause we've never been through it... and we know you'll be honest. Hope you're all doing well.

  3. (Hey it is Staci's sister, Rachel)
    Scarlett's Birth was pretty traumatic for me and it took about a year and a half before I could actually talk about it and process it with out feeling angry, or hurt... You know what helped? taking the birth survey (there is a link to it on my blog), You answer questions about your care and your expirence to somoeone who you think can make a dfference.

    I hope you can find healing soon, but in the mean time, fall in love with that girl! She is beautiful.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it was so traumatic! I'm REALLY scared about giving birth. I know you'll be ok. You are strong and you have a beautiful (I'm not just saying that, she's adorable) little one to squish and love and she will be such a blessing. In that, I'm jealous! :)

    Love you, and hope to see you soon!

  5. Congratulations!! She is darling. Take care of you...and her!

  6. I hope you are feeling ok:) I'm VERY experienced in the traumatic birth department, so I'm sending lot's of love and empathy your way...

    p.s. Annalise is beautiful and I love her name.

  7. I can't say that I had any traumatic labor and deliveries, in fact, despite having to be induced, I consider mine not bad experiences, even Karissa's, but I do want to be here for you if you need to talk to someone. Recovery is very hard, especially for first-time moms who don't quite know what to expect. Karina had some harder labors and she also suffered from postpartum depression. I know she is all ears if you need her. Really, take care of yourself, your baby too of course, but you're of no help to your baby if you're not feeling good.

    I feel really badly that you didn't have a good experience. Take care!
