Friday, August 14, 2009

DD (+5)

We went to the appointment this morning and they told me it was supposed to be yesterday. So apparently I am losing my mind. I put it on the calendar for today. I thought it was today. I remember the discussion where the receptionist told me it would be today. But now no. So they called the midwife on staff at the hospital and we had to wait an extra hour but she was able to come examine me so that was good.

When I went to give my urine sample, I opened the little door to the little compartment where we leave it, and was startled to see another one already there, not having been removed yet from the previous occupant of the bathroom. As these samples are not collected in jars with lids like I am used to, but instead in Dixie cups with a sticker with our names on it, I was instinctively repulsed and let go of the little door reflexively. My other hand with the pee cup was still in the way though. The spring-action door tried to snap shut, bumping my hand with the pee and flinging it up in the air. As I watched in slow-motion-horror, pee sprinkled down all over the wall, the floor, and the sign saying where to put it. Also on me. I ruined the entire bathroom! Such a tiny amount of pee! And such coverage it managed! I began laughing at the ridiculousness so hard I was gasping. When I came out I shared the story with Dave and pointed out the debacle's tell-tale drip on my shirt. I'm not sure if he could fully appreciate the hilarity of the situation though, based on his single focus and extreme repulsion to the drip.

They did a non-stress test to make sure the baby was doing well, which she is. She moved so much that the nurses couldn't even just leave the monitors strapped to me and leave the room, but had to stand there and follow her around with them to get a reading that was longer than a few seconds.

The CNM did a very painful (I was thrashing and convulsing) exam that she said she hoped would start the labor, (I believe now that she stripped my membranes, which I was not consulted about, did not ask for, would not have allowed, and am thus very displeased about) but the news is that I am 1 1/2 centimeters dialated and 70% effaced, which is progress from last week when the cervix couldn't even be reached. She felt the baby all over and said she believes it weighs in the high sevens, but probably not quite 8 pounds. Since then I have been having different kinds of contractions than before (deep-down cramping ones that hurt a bit, as opposed to all-over stomach tightness that didn't hurt) about 12-13 minutes apart. So still a long ways to go, but any kind of progress is very inspiring.

Come on Insider! Let's have a birthday party!


  1. Yay! I hope those contractions are closer now and that you will have the baby soon!

    I am surprised they stripped your membranes w/out asking you. I have yet to get mine stripped b/c they always tell me I'm not ready. I would like to try it, though, to see if it would put me into to labor instead of pitocin. Though, remembering how I totally slowed down after they reduced my pitocin levels with Austin, maybe I just need the stuff.

  2. We hope to hear something soon! I am sure you hope to be telling us something soon as well:) I am also sure that is not the last time you will be covered in urine or poop in the coming months. Tee-hee..

  3. I'm laughing so hard that I almost peed when I read your pee story!!! That's is awesome and I assure you that Todd and I (me especially) appreciated the hilarity of the situation and laughed hysterically at the visual. We are overjoyed, BTW, to hear that you are making progress and anxiously await a phone call. My phone stays by my bed all night, so it doesn't matter what time, as I stated before. Calling us will help to pass the time, if nothing else, right? Love to you both!

  4. P.S. Your appt was for sure today. They wrote it down wrong. I talked you about 5 minutes after you made it and you told me the day. I remembered it when i spoke to you last night without you even reminding me. So they were're not crazy. My opinion. The end.

  5. So, I am absolutely dying of laughter here, Jess!! Only you.... Hey, at least it was YOUR pee that got all over the place, and not the pee in the other Dixie cup!!

    P.S. You better update your blog the second you leave to go to the birthing center. I NEED to know!!

  6. yeah for progress! i had my membranes stripped both times (they didn't ask me either) and it didn't do a thing either time. it sends some people into immediate labor, but usually only if your body is ready.

    p.s. my good friend just had a natural birth...a 10 pound baby born 2 weeks late. it was her first vaginal birth and she didn't even tear. she claims it was because she birthed in the squatting position she used. not sure if that's why but i thought i'd pass it along. good luck:)

  7. i hope she comes soon... yay! i hope she comes quickly and I hope it's the way you want it. Can't wait to hear from you in a few days :)

  8. That's terrible they didn't ask. I hope it helped anyway, I just had to read what it was, and the article I read had speculation about its efficiency though. (Though I'm sure you know way more about it than me based on that one article.) Anyway, I hope she comes soon! Hopefully before she hits the 8 pound mark.

  9. Just a FYI- we can't be 2 inches away from our phones just in case..... We are jazzed....
