Tuesday, August 11, 2009

DD: (+ 2)

Well. This is getting a little tedious. I mean, I'm ready. We have diapers. We have a crib. We have a would-be grandma that has flown expectantly into town. We have 17,000 small pink going-home-from-the-hospital outfit options. But we have NO BABY.

I personally feel that the baby might never actually come. I personally feel that perhaps the baby never existed to begin with.

If I am still pregnant, I will have another Nurse/Midwife appointment Friday. Then I will start being checked twice a week to make sure the Insider Resider is handling post-due-date life healthfully. As I am of the 'natural childbirth' persuasion I will not be artificially induced without medical necessity, which would include placenta breakdown or growing too large. Perhaps impatience bordering the brink of insanity should also count as medical necessity? (Slap on my wrist. No, Jessica! Bad Jessica!)

Dave has long prophesied that the baby would be born August 11th. Well, that is today. Maybe that is something to hope for? Or if she is born tomorrow she will share a birthday with her triplet cousins. EITHER WOULD BE GREAT! LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!


  1. you could try eating pineapple (has to be fresh), doing squats, massaging the labor inducing pressure points, etc. I have lots more (safe) tricks, let me know if you need more ideas.

  2. I think you should stay pregnant forever. Imagine the fame, the noteriety, and the money to be made from your freakish condition! :)

    (She HAS to be here by Miss Universe - just think of it that way.)

  3. Ooh- I ate some fresh pineapple yesterday! Without even knowing! Good for me. :)

    I only know about pressure points on the ankles. Are there more? Also, the only other tricks I know are castor oil (no thanks), spicy foods (ate them yesterday), walking (don't really believe it works) and sex (seems physically impossible at this point.)

    What other tricks do you know M-A???

  4. isn't their a salad that induces labor? http://pregnancyandbaby.sheknows.com/pregnancy/baby/Week-40--Loves-labors-lost-492.htm

  5. You are doing so well...there IS a baby, and she IS coming...REALLY!

  6. According to a lot of my doctors at work, massaging your nipples is notorious for inducing labor. It sends out all the right hormones. Of course, with your tactile hypersensitivity, I'm not sure you could handle that. But desperate times......

  7. This blog sounds slightly familiar to mine two months ago... Though I need to remind you that you're only two days overdo. The baby will come when she's ready. I have heard that nipple stimulation works, but it's controversial with drs, which means it may actually do something. We never tried it, b/c Jason didn't want me to, but look it up online and see what the controversy is over it, then try it, even though it will drive you crazy! It has to be better than pitocin!

  8. Hang in there, I hope you have her soon!

  9. Have you been walking relentlessly? Or travelling long distances in cars? (You could just drive circles around your neighborhood to be safe.) You'll never know unless you try. Oh, here's another suggestion from my oh so wise and experienced self. If you stop thinking about it, it might happen! Remember that story from Under the Tuscan Sun, where she would always look for ladybugs in her yard but never found them, then she'd get so tired and fall asleep in the grass and when she'd wake up, ladybugs would be crawling all over her. :) Very scientifically based advice from moi!

  10. Try the nipple thing, try the nipple thing...If it doesn't work, at least you will have fun passing the time! HA!
    My guess for the birth date is the 13th!

  11. HURRY UP!! We're so dang excited WE can hardly stand it. I can only imagine what that makes you guys! Hang in there!

  12. hang in there, she'll be here really soon (i hope the sooner the better, for your sake)!

  13. Oh...I can totally relate...I had Tim 3 weeks late and I thought I would lose my mind. You could try what we did...we went to the temple..nothing like scaring all of the temple workers as a very prgnant lady walks in (at least that's what they told me) and guess what? It worked!! I was having contractions in the session! Got home by about 10:30...had the baby at 1:50am. Love ya so much!

  14. I have heard that evening primrose oil is supposed to work (not sure about safety, you'll have to look into it). My doc had me spray my chest area with hot water to stimulate contractions(same concept as nipple stimulation). Some people say that stimulating that part of your body brings on contractions that are dangerously strong, but for me it didn't even work. Semen has prostaglandins that help dialate/efface the cervix. Even though that doesn't sound appealing. Don't walk/run because you need to save your energy for labor.
