Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Countdown to DD: 5 days left

I went to the hospital to have my growth ultrasound today, and had the most gentle ultrasound tech I've had yet. The lack of discomfort was lovely. The first thing he said when he put the probe on my stomach was, "There's the labia!" And he snapped the picture and printed it out for us. (Uh... thanks? Now we have three pictures of it in our collection.) So it's still a girl. Which is good based on our massive accumulation of tiny pink things.

He measured everything and said it all seemed normal, the head measuring a tiny bit small, but probably because it's so far down and squished into my pelvis. To be honest, I would be quite happy to birth a pinhead. Seems easier all around. (At least until she gets to junior high.)

The only thing was... her lips. Massive. Gargantuan. There's no way around it. Also a seemingly pretty heavy brow ridge. I couldn't help mentioning that she looked like a neanderthal botox victim. Dave couldn't stop laughing at me. Then I would laugh and shake the whole stomach around and everyone would have to wait to continue the ultrasound. But it was funny. Or scary. Depending how you looked at it.

Dave and I have previously discussed our concerns and hopes for the baby. He really wants her to be smart. I really want her to be pretty. As we were leaving, I told him he got his wish.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, she looks really... smart." I said.


  1. Dear Unborn Baby,

    When you're deciding whose diapers to change first when your mom and I are 90 years old and sharing a bed like Willy Wonka's grandparents, remember this:

    I ALWAYS thought you were beautiful. Your mom thought you looked sub-human. So there you have it.

    Love, Daddy

  2. so excited for you!! counting down now....

  3. I love this post. By the way, Des's ultrasound always showed huge pouty lips as well -- perhaps it's just something with the equipment... we can hope. :)

  4. YOU ARE NUTS!!!

    You really can't judge beauty from an unltrasound. The best part of this post is how quickly you will be gobbling your words when you meet what will be "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD"...you know I am right!

  5. I agree with your friend- you can't tell anything (except apparently genitalia) from ultrasounds. She'll be gorgeous, just like her parents. Or at least, like her mom (j/k D-Gig!)!

  6. I cannot stop laughing at that post...or at Dave's retort. That's AWESOME! I think both my babies looked a little Botox-ee in womb. Upon arrival, however, they looked much less like bad plastic-surgery victims and more like the gorgeous specimens you now know and love. So you might BOTH get your wishes!

  7. Ahahha... especially Dave's comment. Funny. Well, now it's just sit and wait! Glad to hear she's doesn't have a huge head, for your sake. That scares me about having kids a bit, big heads kind of run in my family.

  8. You absolutely CANNOT tell anything about how this little chicky is going to look from an ultrasound! I have no doubt that you and Dave will both get your wishes.

  9. I actually have found that some of the most beautiful people are not that cute as babies, simply b/c they have to grow into their features that may seem big, or whatever, as babies, but end up perfect when they're older. Cute babies are just cute people, not drop-dead-gorgeous.
