Saturday, August 8, 2009

Countdown to DD: 1 day left

I went to the Midwifery Clinic for my appointment yesterday, after a night of CONSTANT contractions and I even thought my water might have broken. But. The contractions stopped. And apparently I am peeing myself without without knowing it because an alkaline test said No Water Broken. Disappointing.

The CNW tried to check me to see if I was dialated or effaced at all but after much abuse to my poor self couldn't reach the cervix and just gave up. Disappointing.

Tomorrow is the due date. I think it will be: Disappointing.


  1. I believe today is the day. Don't stress out, just relax and know that the baby will come when the time is right.

  2. I know how you FEEL!!!! Branson was TWO weeks late!!!!! I was about ready to scream!!!Pretend your due date is in like a week and you'll be pleasantly surprised when she come I tried...Chin up Charlie, I'm sure she is getting some extra beauty sleep in there to be perfect on the day of arrival =).

  3. I would get all the rest you can now...Just a day(s) before the BIG change that lasts the rest of your life! Are you going to blog as you and Dave are running out the door to the hospital? Emily, Lita & I were wondering about that!

  4. Yes, just try to relax and definitely set your mind for a due date in a week, that way you won't go crazy. I know if you're tense, it affects how your body prepares for labor. Obviously, your body isn't ready yet and neither is the baby, so relaxation is the best thing. Of course you should do all the self-induction techniques, but we already discussed that on the phone-- they didn't work for me (3x), but maybe you'll have more luck! Hang in there!!

  5. Just so you know, I said I didn't think you would (blog before you ran off to the hospital). But we wouldn't mind, we're all excited to hear when she comes! And I don't know what kind of phones you have or anything, but if you have a capable phone, I'm sure we'd all appreciate a quick "She's in labor!" from Dave.

    But you guys do what's best for you of course, haha... if it were me I probably wouldn't really care about keeping people informed.

  6. i agree would like to know exactly when you leave for the hospital! but take it easy and ... what do i know i've never had a baby... can't wait to see her!

  7. Oh, I hope you've gone into labor by now. Hang in there!
