Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saints and a Messy House

Yesterday was Dave's birthday. His parents came in the morning while he was at work to help me with all the house projects. When I say "help" I mean "do" and when I say "do" I mean "slave." Literally from morning to evening without breaks (except for lunch- thus upping the meal-feeding total of us to four times in five days). These kind and generous souls painted, scrubbed, unpacked, and fixed like no other. The great thing about parents is they always seem to know what needs to be done and do not require direction in getting there. This is very freeing, for though I have had many other generous offers of help with the house, I wouldn't know what to do with people once they got here. Dave's lovely parental units made decisions and acted on them. COULD NOT BE BETTER. The house is still a disaster. But because of them, it might actually get done some day.

The missionaries in the ward we'll be in knocked on our door while we worked yesterday.

"Are you familiar with our church?" they asked as Dave's dad and I opened the door and grinned giddily at them.

"Hi Elders," we giggled, just staring at them. "Yes, we are VERY familiar with your church!" Dave's dad and I laughed to each other like it was the funniest thing on earth. They stood very still, with expressions of those not quite sure if they're being ridiculed. Finally we realized they didn't get that we were Mormon too.

We have lots of junk to get rid of. For instance, I opened a large box I haven't seen since I moved from LA and found an enormous amount of glass fruit. What possessed me to procure glass fruit? I tried to give it to Dave's mom. No go. Apparently you can't give that stuff away.

The overwhelmed-ness I was experiencing a week ago has returned, except now I don't care as much. My energy level leaves enough room for me to appreciate that I am overwhelmed but then promptly peters out and I fall asleep.

We went to dinner with the Hillyards last night to celebrate Dave's big 3-4. (Shout-out to Hillyards: We Love You!) Dave picked Nonna Emilia's, an Italian restaurant known for its portion sizes (each meal could feed you and your family of five). Our leftovers will likely last the week, if not the year.

As I was typing this post, the phone rang. And what to my wondering ears did appear? Dave's parents, calling to offer to help again today. Saints. Saintly saintly saints.


  1. So glad to hear you are getting some help with the painting, etc. Did they have any good suggestions about the placement of that "odd-man-out" chair?

    And... Happy Birthday to Dave!

  2. "For instance, I opened a large box I haven't seen since I moved from LA and found an enormous amount of glass fruit. What possessed me to procure glass fruit? I tried to give it to Dave's mom. No go. Apparently you can't give that stuff away."

    This is why said glass fruit was at Big Lots for a dollar... it was a great centerpiece for a while but HA! LOL that you even still have it!

  3. I love it when parents show up and want to work. We have woken up on a number of mornings with Todd's Dad slaving away at our yard. Bless his heart to try and get it to look nice. Someday!

  4. I think I might love Dave's parents for you. That is the greatest thing a person could do for a prego lady in the throws of moving. Thanks for playing last night. We had a blast and miss you like a slug would miss his slime were it to go away. BTW, I laughed out loud at your comment about "petering energy." Awesome description.
