Sunday, July 19, 2009

37 Weeks

We went to our new ward for the first time today. We miss our old ward but everyone seemed really nice. You might think to yourself, Self, that girl's stomach looks enormous. You would indeed be correct. I make Dave look like a tiny man.

Our washer and dryer got delivered today. But then the delivery guys said the washer was missing its washer hoses. Not good, we said. Then they checked and said the washer was missing its drainage hose. Not good, we said. Then they checked and said the dryer was missing its lint trap. Not good, we said. Then they checked and said the dryer was missing its shoe rack. Not good, we said. Then they checked our hookup area and found a leak, meaning we need a new something-or-other. Not good, we said. The very long story short is that Dave has had to make two trips back to Lowe's, accidently flooded the laundry room, found a giant nest of poisonous spiders, it's now 2 1/2 hours after the delivery guys got here, and our machines are sitting lifelessly askew. They are not hooked up and Dave is about to kick some Lowe's-Company-Butt. Pixie is cowering terrified-ly under my feet because of the commotion. The Insider Resider might be the only cheerful one, gleefully bashing and beating my insides to a pulp. The rest of us are not quite as pleased with our new washer and dryer as we thought we'd be.
Update: Everything was replaced and we got an extra $150 back for our troubles. We turned on the washer. Water began gushing geyser-like out the bottom, re-flooding the laundry room and causing Dave to shriek with fury. He is now sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, glaring viciously about the room and occasionally emitting angry growls.


  1. Would it help if I told you your hair looks really good? Because it does:)

  2. i'm sorry i called amidst the chaos! ugh! i agree w/ robbie your hair looks amazing!

  3. You look fantastic! Hope the washer/dryer fiasco got worked out...

  4. What a cute picture of the family! Sorry about the washer and dryer and flooding problems. Wish I could help.

  5. Hey! I love that shirt (I have the exact same one). :) And I am sorry to hear of your installation troubles. So disappointing to finally get something you have really wanted -- only to have it not work. Arrgh.

    Hope it is all fixed ASAP.

  6. Unreal. Lowe's are lucky they are dealing with Dave and not yours truly. Ridonkulous!

  7. I am sorry about the washer and dryer debacle(s)! That sounds very frustrating.

    Stomach-wise, you have really blossomed. Have you still evaded the dreaded stretch marks? I assume you have, or you would be blogging away in horror.

    I miss you, and wish we could talk more, of course, you will be a very busy mommy soon.

  8. No stretch marks on the stomach- facinating, right? Though there are mild stretch marks in other places that have not grown NEARLY as much.

  9. You just look ready to deliver,and that's a good thing! You look perfect!
