Saturday, January 7, 2012

The worst time of the year

Dave goes out of town for over a week every January for the CES show in Las Vegas. It is my least favorite time of the year. Two weekends in a row we miss out on him. My sleep-deprivation reaches new heights with no help at night or in the mornings. How I wish I lived near my parents every January. This morning Annalise told me, "Daddy's lost. I gotta find him." As I type she is staring out her window calling, "Daaaaddy! Where are you? Daddy, come in my house!"

To entertain myself while he is gone I do things like moan pathetically and also take pictures like these.


  1. So cute! I know how you feel, though. Hang in there!

  2. I love the pictures. Sorry Dave is out of town. I know it is hard. One nice thing though is no cooking dinner!!! That is what I say to make me feel better when Brett is gone. Mac and Cheese for everyone!!!! Good luck!
