Saturday, December 24, 2011

Karina's Blessing

Dave's sister Jenn and her family flew into town for Karina's blessing during the first weekend in December. We all got to make our annual Chrismas candy together.

Karina was an angel during her blessing and was happy as a clam. What I remember most from the blessing was Dave saying she would be a peacemaker in our house. Heaven knows we could use that! At the point when Dave said her name, her Uncle John heard her cooing so he opened his eyes and said she was smiling from ear to ear!

Karina and Uncle John

Karina and the worthy men who blessed her.

Karina and Cousin Becca

With Adam and Audrey

Karina is certainly quite a blessing to her parents. :)


  1. OMGOsh Jess- she is gorgeous!!! You have beautiful babies!!! You look as beautiful as ever- haven't aged a day! So great to see you and your family on the blog. Take care!
