Saturday, December 11, 2010

Annalise meets the Big Hairy Guy

Annalise's future dental office (the amazing Adventure Dental) has a yearly Christmas party complete with Pictures with Santa. Since the Dentist-Extraordinaire in question is Faux-Uncle Todd, we were invited to partake in the photographic goodness!

It started badly. On the way there I said to Annalise, "We are going to go meet Santa!" "Anna?!" she repeated, thinking I'd said the name of her little best friend. "No, Santa!" I replied desperately. It didn't matter. For the whole 45-minute ride, she excitedly repeated, "Anna! Anna!"

It got worse. We got there and instead of being greeted by her BFF, a large hairy fat man reached for her.

"Give her to Mrs. Clause," one of the assistants advised. "Babies are always less scared of the women." I knew it would make no difference but I acquiesced. I handed her away and before I could blink she was screaming at the top of her lungs and struggling in terror.

Interestingly, not one person in the shot is looking at the camera. Annalise is screaming in desperation to her mother, while the Clauses gaze on at me joyfully.


  1. In looking at this picture, I realize that I have never taken a photo of any of my children with Santa. I am sure it would have turned out very similar.
    Sam only started trusting Santa a couple of years ago. Max still gives him the stink eye.

  2. It amazes me how much kids are freaked out by the white haired grandpa type. Give her another year... okay 2, and she won't want to leave!

    Uncle T
