Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Blog!

I am starting a new blog called Craftily Ever After to showcase my creative adventures! Please visit me there and become a follower!


  1. Cool, I'll add you to my reader. I can't wait to see all the fun projects you are doing.

  2. Thanks Jamie! I've just posted a couple of things so far but I have a ton more I've done and lots to come that are in the works now too. :)

  3. Cute name. I think about what I would name a blog if I even did a craft one. Seems like all the good names are taken:)

  4. Roy, you totally should! You do so much cute sewing stuff! Especially when you get your new camera you'll be able to showcase it all really well. And I agree- all the good names ARE taken. Every good idea I had had been thought of by someone else first, so for mine I put dashes between the words and that did the trick! :)
