Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Last Monday Annalise and I headed to LA to visit Grandma and Grandpa and friends. The squishy girl was perfect on the plane ride there and had some firsts! She went in a swimming pool for the first time!

Grandma also bought her a kiddie pool so she had her first experience skinny-dipping too! She quite enjoyed it.

The next day she threw her first pool party (co-ed!). Her guest was named Graham. This time she wore a bathing suit.

She got to meet my friend Angela's son Sammy,

and hang out with my dad,

and she finally met Staci's daughters Olivia and Camilla.

She got to go to Orange County and meet Julie, Melissa, Kathy and Jodie, and their kids.

Brody is just her age.

And Mady taught her to play the piano:

The flight home was divine (no tears) and all in all the trip was exceptional. Seeing my friends was invigorating, heartwarming, and refreshing. LOVE YOU ALL!


  1. Yea for a successful trip! Cute pictures too!

  2. Looks like a fun trip. It is always nice to go on a trip and have a change. I am sure your Mom and Dad had a great time with you.

  3. What a great trip! Fun to see pics of babies of some friends I know too. Wish I still lived in SoCal so we could have seen you too.

  4. Me too Cass! Wish our little girlies could meet! Someday. :)

  5. So glad to hear you had a great trip!

  6. How stinkin' cute were those pictures?!?! I'm glad you had so much fun! I'm going to take Max out into his kiddie pool for the first time today! It's so hot out, I'm sure he'll love it! Can't wait for you guys to come over so Annalise can join him...with her swim suit on, that is. ;)

  7. I wish I were there too! Karina and Derek were out there around the same time, but since we're having a family reunion in UT. in a month, I didn't want to fly out all that way (for all that $$) with all my kids, twice this summer...sigh. Maybe next summer...
