Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pictures from the reunion

I was woefully remiss in how few pics I took at the family reunion. Between Annalise being sick and therefore an enormous dramatic handful, and the fact that I had few opportunities where my arms were even free of her, I did very little camera-picking-up. Here are some of the professional shots we got though.

The whole clan. It cracks me up that both the babies are screaming with their mouths open.

Inbetween shots of the group pose, Annalise's fit kept causing her binkie to fly out of her mouth into the dirt. Dave manned up and sucked it off for her, which the photographer surrepticiously captured.

This is the Grandparents With Their Grandchildren shot. You might notice one in the group is a tad unhappy.

Dave's parents:

My favorite shot of all:


  1. Love the pictures. You guys are such a cute little family.

  2. Hey Brian & Stephanie Banner are in our ward. Small world! I saw they're listed on your blog.

  3. How funny Jennille! I was roommates with Steph at UCLA. I haven't seen her since my baby shower. Tell her I say hi!
