I am quite pleased to report that Annalise has ceased her nursing strike. She is definitely not eating as much as she used to but at least she is back to nursing every few hours which is very very very relieving. Luckily, my doctor was wrong when she told me it was the beginning of the end of Annalise's nursing career, while the Le Leche League was correct in saying it was only a phase. I even asked the doctor if she was sure it wasn't a phase since that's what I was hoping and had heard and she insisted it was not as she had never seen a baby make a turn-around. Now that I have talked to a bunch of people about it, I have found that in fact, the whole thing is pretty common. Just another example of ME STILL NEEDING A NEW DOCTOR.
I am quite displeased to report that my sweet Bah-Boo bashed her face into our one (one!) stair and gave herself a black eye. And then two days later while I was telling some people who came over about it, while we all watched, she charged (at top Scoot-Speed) at the same stair like she was blind and DID IT AGAIN! IN THE SAME SPOT! Maybe a quarter of an inch above the first bruise. So now the black eye is doubly big. Poor little sweet little baby.
She is no longer allowed to play in the (apparently) very dangerous living room.
3 days ago
Well, At least she is consistant!!! That is funny that it is the only stair in your house and she seems to find it! She is so cute. I love her big smile. You can really see her teeth. I think she has more than Claire!!
Oh my goodness...can she be ANY cuter! Those are the cutest pictures I've ever seen of her! Freakin' adorable! Love seeing you yesterday and am going to miss you VERY much while I'm in NY! Can't wait to see you when I get back. Love you!!!
Heeheeeheee. I love those little teeth. Very photogenic, Annalise!
Does she look like she has a lot of teeth Diana? There's only two in there!
I love the first pic! Well, all of them are adorable, but my favortie is the first! Victoria knows all about falling down one stair around that age...
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